How innovative is your company culture?

A company’s human capital (it’s bundle of knowledge, skills, and abilities) and social capital (the internal and external social networks the organization possess and the goodwill that exists within those networks) are unique.   Because of this uniqueness, a company can leverage these capital resources for competitive advantage.  Often this advantage manifests itself in the culture of the company, and in particular, its innovation culture.

Most firms realize the need for an innovative culture, but don’t know how to get there.  Indeed, organizational change, particularly when its focused on culture change, is hard.  Fortunately, there are tools and frameworks available to help your organization chart its course toward a more innovative company culture.  Building off of the research of such notable innovation scholars as Clayton Christensen at Harvard, Edgar Schein at MIT, Jay Rao, Joseph Weintraub, and others (Tellis, Prabhu, Chandy, Denison, O’Reilly), our team at Panoptic Insight can help you get there.  For additional insights see: Rao & Weintraub innov culture